Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Creating a partition first step.

Of course to start partitioning new disk, if there no any operating system, you should boot first and start fdisk for example. You should have boot disk CD or floppy discette, may be next time I'll tell you how to make one by yourself.

First of all you should change the default booting device. Don't worry it's easy. On desctop computer usually you should press "delete" button or F2 button on the laptop, when just reboot begin to enter BIOS and change booting device. Or sometimes it's possible to press F10 or F12 (usually it's written on the bottom of the screen) to chooce booting device.

Than when you are in the bios you shoul chooce "Advanced settings...." and there choose "First booting device".

If you have special boot disk for OS installing purposes it will start GUI menu where you can start fdisk or another partitionin programm automatically. But if you just have boot disk with DOS?

Ok. It's easy you should know a few commands to start what you need in DOS.

DriveLettet: - changes current drive to DriveLetter
dir - shows files and folders in current drive or folder
cd NameOfTheFolder - changes current folder to NameOfTheFolder
cd .. - to go up on folder tree
NameOfTheFile - starts or NameOfTheFile.exe or NameOfTheFile.bat file
That's it!

So if you boot for example using floppy and screen shows
and your fdisk is on d:\Fdisk\
you can write cd d:\Fdisk\
or change the drive first
than if you don't remember the exact name of the folder
dir (it will show the list of all the files and folders)
cd fdisk (dos is NOT case sensetive)
fdisk (to start the programm)

Good luck!

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