Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Top 7 purposes for partitioning

Top 7 purposes for partitioning:

1. Having more than one operationing system on the one hard drive (one single computer) For exepmple: you can have Microsoft Windows, a few Linux distributives and FreBSD and etc on different partitions of the same hard disk and with help of booting managers have a choice of booting into any of installed operating system at power-up of the computer.

2. Separate user files or files of different users out of the OS files.

3. Having an separated space for OS virtual memory swap file (Increasing performance)

4. Keeping programs categorized on a different partitions or keepeng frequently used data on the special area.

5. Having cache and logging files separated from other files types to prevent ending space on system partitions.

6. Increasing of a file safety isolating files making easy to restore corrupted file system or OS installation. None of the other file systems are affected, if one of many partitions is damaged.

7. As a smaller file systems are more efficient it encreases whole system perfromance.

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